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Dynamic DNA Labs Review:
Skin DNA Test and Nutrition DNA Test
When you think of DNA testing, you likely think of Ancestry.com and its genealogy/family history records. Coincidentally, it was Ancestry.com that led me to Dynamic DNA Labs and their specialized DNA testing. Funny enough, it wasn’t my test results, but my son’s, that brought about real questions and why I sought answers from Dynamic DNA Labs. The following Dynamic DNA Labs review will explain why I took a skin and nutrition DNA test, the process for each test, the results, and whether Dynamic DNA Labs is worth it.
Why I needed DNA testing
I am a 39-year-old guy with 4 kids who never knew his mom. I don’t say that for sympathy but to set up this story. Since I never knew my mom, my 13-year-old son has always been curious about his ethnic background. My father told me my whole life that my mother was 100% Italian. My wife was adopted from South Korea, and in 2019 she took an Ancestry.com DNA test to learn about her heritage. To her disappointment, she was 100% Korean. Although she wasn’t disappointed with being Korean, she had hoped there was some other Asian descent.
So, my son had established that he was 50% Korean, but what about the other 50%? We believed he was 25% English/Welsh and 25% Italian based on what my father told me about our family’s side and my mom’s. Still curious, for Christmas in 2020, we purchased an Ancestry DNA kit for my son. The results were shocking. Despite not knowing the other side of my family, I took pride in being Italian. As a kid, I rooted for Italy in the World Cup, loved Sopranos, and learned how to cook Italian food from scratch.
As it turns out, my son was not 25% Italian, and I wasn’t even 1% Italian, nonetheless 50%. In addition, there was also no Welsh in the bloodline. I can’t say how these signals got crossed and this misinformation grew, but for nearly 40 years, I had been living a lie. Luckily, this lie isn’t the kind that had any real impact on my life. Sopranos was a great show, and I still love Italian food, but now it was time for answers.
What is Dynamic DNA Labs testing?
Armed with more questions than answers about my heritage, I was curious to know more. I hear that heritage can impact many factors in life, from Lactose Intolerance to a predisposition to Cancer. So, I sought out more answers. Unfortunately, ancestry no longer offered their personalized health + ancestry report, so I had to find a new solution. I came across a few DNA testing sites for health. Still, while researching oral swab DNA testing accuracy, I found Dynamic DNA Labs. Unlike other DNA sites, they had a Google my Business with genuine reviews and an actual location in Springfield, Missouri. They also had 5 stars and offered a slew of DNA testing options.
What Dynamic DNA Labs test did I take?
I opted to take 2 tests from Dynamic DNA Labs. Of the four proactive health tests, I decided not to take the personality and fitness tests. My reasoning was that personality isn’t something that can be changed or altered, and fitness is more of choice. If I am predisposed to Alzheimer’s, there’s not much that can be done. If I am predisposed to being overweight, I can see that happening, and it’s up to me to make the necessary changes to combat it.
On the other hand, skin care and nutrition are two things that can be changed easily with some insight. So, I opted for the Skin DNA Test and Nutrition DNA Test. I’ve tested and reviewed some of the Best Men’s Skincare Products for Revoupon, so I thought it would be interesting to cross-reference those products against the results of this test. Since I was so vastly wrong about my heritage, I also felt it would be wise to know if I was predisposed to any health conditions, food reactions, and what essential vitamins I could be missing.
Dynamic DNA Labs Testing Process
My testing kits arrived 5 business days from the date of my order. It came in a small, somewhat discreet, black box. If you’re getting a paternity test sent, discretion might be welcome, but for me, it was a non-issue. Here’s what was in the box:
It took longer to unbox, register the kit, and read the enclosed material than the test itself took. Testing is simple. I opened one swab and vigorously swabbed the inside of one cheek in a circular motion. I removed the swab, broke the handle off, and placed it in the envelope. I then repeated that process on my other cheek. That was it; the test was done and ready to go.
I packed up the test and brought it to the local USPS. Luckily, I went inside to hand it directly to a postal employee. Unfortunately, the employee told me the envelope couldn’t be placed through their standard postage-paid system because of the thickness of the swabs enclosed. As a result, I would have to fork over a whopping $3.65 to mail it back. All joking aside, the money wasn’t the issue here. Had I dropped it at the desk without talking to someone, I don’t know if the sample would’ve arrived. Given that the cost of the two tests totaled $229, that could’ve been a serious issue.
And now we wait
I registered the kit on Aug 23, 2021, and sent it out the next day. It took six days for the kit to arrive at Dynamic DNA Labs, confirmed on Aug 30. I received the result on Sep 16, 2021, just a hair over two weeks later. Their site says that results can take 3-4 weeks due to COVID, so I was pleasantly surprised by the quick turnaround. I received an offer from Dynamic Labs for personalized vitamins during my waiting period. Given that I hadn’t received my results, I found this suspicious and didn’t purchase them.
Dynamic DNA Test Results
After a couple of weeks of waiting for results, I was excited to see an email directing me toward the results. During the waiting period, I logged in to the Dynamic Labs site to check the status, to which I was met with a “processing” status. The results were simple to find:
The quick glance and subsequent learn-more areas seemed underwhelming at first. It wasn’t until I downloaded the reports that I understood the value and breadth of the information provided. The Skin DNA Test was 34 pages, and the Nutrition DNA Test was a whopping 52 pages.
Each section in the report has a subcategory of the test with a risk ranking from reduced to increased risk. It gives a concise and understandable breakdown of why this category is essential and what it might mean to your health. The next section consists of treatment options available, including activities and behavior, diet, supplements, topical (if applicable), and professional procedures. Additionally, there are references for additional reading and information. Lastly, marker test information about the SNP/Gene and Genotype is included – though the information is irrelevant to me and likely will be to you.
Skin DNA Test Results
The two main factors that interested me in the Dynamic Labs DNA Skin Test were nutritional needs and texture/elasticity. I’ve been testing men’s skincare for Revoupon and finding great products with positive results. I hoped that I would find a key in my DNA to picking the proper skincare, without the Russian roulette of blindly testing. Dynamic Labs results, in fact, did take the guesswork out of skincare for me. I won’t dive into the specific and personal results I received. Instead, I will outline the factors that Dynamic Labs reported on.
The report I received was in-depth, thirty-four pages of thorough, to be exact. The five main categories they tested for are listed below. Click each category to get an expanded view of what was tested in each category.
Nutrition DNA Test Results
Nutrition has always been a struggle for me. I am one of the lucky ones, though. My metabolism has always been extremely fast, and I don’t struggle with my weight. Instead, I struggle with gaining weight and packing on muscle when I work out. Some GI issues seem to run in my family, though I am not impacted by those yet. I say yet because I am hoping the insight from Dynamic Labs may help me steer clear of those issues.
As with the skin report, the Nutrition DNA Test was thorough. In this case, it was fifty-four pages of helpful information related to dietary requirements, exercise, and more. Below are the five main categories of testing. Clicking on any category will expand the section to show each factor tested by Dynamic Labs.
Dynamic DNA Labs Pros and Cons
Dynamic DNA Labs offer a variety of services for both research and personal use. They specialize in genetic testing and provide a wide range of tests to determine ancestry, health conditions, and other genetic-related information.
The advantages of using Dynamic DNA Labs are that they provide reliable and accurate results, are backed by a professional team of experts, and offer various tests. Their advanced technology and clear results can help provide insight into an individual’s ancestry, health, and other genetic information.
The disadvantages of using Dynamic DNA Labs are that the tests can be expensive, and results can take a few weeks to process. Additionally, the accuracy of the results can vary depending on the type of test and sample used. Finally, the company does not guarantee the accuracy of the results since the results can be affected by external factors such as environmental factors and sample quality.
Overall, Dynamic DNA Labs can be a great resource for those looking to gain insight into their genetic makeup and family history. However, it is important to understand the potential drawbacks before proceeding with any tests.
6 FAQ about Dynamic DNA Labs
Dynamic DNA Labs Review: Final Thoughts
It took much longer than expected to complete this Dynamic DNA Labs Review because the amount of information was overwhelming. I received eighty-six pages of data and insights into my heritage-based health. With my lack of genetic background, insight into my health was necessary.
I applied some dietary, supplemental, exercise, and food reaction recommendations to my everyday life with positive results. I feel more energized, and I’ve upped the days and elapsed time I spend at the gym each week. I am seeing a stabilization of weight, as opposed to a drop in weight from my increased exercise, which I usually see. I realized a few weeks in that I had also cut down on Nespresso coffee consumption. In fact, a few times a week, I am hitting the gym before my first cup of coffee. That’s a massive deal for me, as I usually get 2-3 cups by lunch. Lately, I am maxing out at 2 cups of coffee a day.
I recommend Dynamic DNA Labs if you have any questions about your heritage or concerns about health. Dynamic Labs also offers family and ancestry testing.